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The Comparative Analysis of the 20th Century Genocides
International Association of Genocide Scholars
The twelfth meeting
8-12 July 2015, Yerevan



Wednesday July 8, 2015

10:30 am - Excursions (optional) Echmiadzin, Garni-Geghard or Yerevan City Tour

5:00 pm - Bus departs from Armenia Marriott Hotel for American University of Armenia

6:00 pm - Opening Ceremony of the Twelfth h Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars

Venue: American University of Armenia

- Address by the President of Republic of Armenia - Serzh Sargsyan (5 minutes)

- Welcome of Conference Chair – Dr.Hayk Demoyan (5 minutes)

- IAGS welcome of President of IAGS – Dr.Daniel Feierstein and Head of Organising Committee – Dr.Donna-Lee Frieze (15 minutes).

- Break (5 minutes)

- Announcement of the results of the IAGS vote for the new Executive Board (15 minutes)

- Speech of the new President of IAGS (10 minutes)

- Keynote speaker speech (20 minutes)

Vigen Sargsyan, (Head of Administration of President of Armenia) Events Dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide: Prevention, Memory, Gratitude and Revival Q & A (30 minutes)

Information and technical clarifi cations about conference - Conference Director – Dr.Suren Manukyan (5 minutes)

Reception and informal communication

Thursday July 9, 2015

8:30 am, 8:50 am - Buses depart from the Hotels

9:00 am - Registration opens

9:30 – 11:00 am - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Predict to Prevent Genocide
Chair: FRIEZE, Donna (Deakin University, Australia)

VERDEJA, Ernesto (University of Notre Dame, USA) - Predicting Genocide and Mass Atrocities: The State of Knowledge

PORTER, Jack (Harvard University, USA) - Can Mathematical Models Predict Genocide?

O’BRIEN, Mel (University of Queensland, Australia) - From Discrimination to Death: Genocidal Process through a Human Rights Lens

ROOM 2 - Ideology of Genocide
Chair: MANUKYAN, Suren (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia)

BREHM, Hollie (Ohio State University, USA) - Community Determinants of Genocide

ONYIA, Chukwuma (George Mason University, USA) - Re- Conceptualizing the Preludes to the Events of 1967-1970 in Nigeria: Civil War or Genocide

GA’FAR, Khadeega M (American University in Cairo, Egypt) - Ideology that predicts Genocide: on Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism

ROOM 3 - Technology of Genocide Killings
Chair: KHOSROEVA, Anahit (Institute of History, Armenia)

KHACHATRYAN, Shushan (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - The Clash of Religions in Course of the Armenian Genocide

BOULGOURDJIAN, Nelida (University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina) - Ways of Aggression towards Children During Episodes of State Terrorism: the Cases of the Armenian Genocide and the Argentinian Military Dictatorship in Comparative Perspective

OGATA, Tetsushi (University of California, Berkeley, USA) - Selfperpetual Forms of Communist Mass Killings in the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia

ROOM 4 - New Horizons in Perpetrator Research I: Genocidal institutions
Chair: JESSEE, Erin (University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK)

ÜNGÖR, Ugur Ümit (Utrecht University, Netherlands) - Understanding Paramilitaries: A Comparative Examination of their Rationale and Logic

ANDERSON, Kjell (Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies (NIOD) - Perpetrator Mobilization in Terrorism and Genocide: A Comparative Analysis

SALIAH, Kaziwa (Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada) - Facing Change or Changing Face? The Face of Kurdish Female Fighters during Genocide

FERRARA, Antonio (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, Italy) - Refugeedom and Mass Violence in the Twentieth-century World

11:00 – 11:30 am - Coffee break
11:30 am – 1:00 pm - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Nationalism, Rhetoric and State Building during the Genocide
Chair: FEIERSTEIN, Daniel (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina)

EGGERS, Joe (University of Minnesota, USA) - Native Americans and Armenians: Exploring nationalism in genocidal violence”

GALUSTYAN, Regina (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - The Idea of Homogenisation of Asia Minor as a Key Element of Construction of Turkish Identity

STRAUS, Scott (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA) - Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa

DEMOYAN, Hayk (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - Speaking on Kurds, Hinting on Armenians. The Kurdish Issue in the Offi cial Rhetoric of Turkish Political and Military Leadership

ROOM 2 - Gendered Genocide
Chair: O’BRIEN, Mel (University of Queensland, Australia)

DER GHOUGASSIAN, Khachik (Universidad de San Andrés and Universidad Nacional de Lanus in Argentina) - The (Other) Great Silence: Gender and Genocide in the Armenian and Argentine Cases

HAGAN, John (Northwestern University, USA), KAISER, Joshua (Northwestern University, USA) - Gendered Genocide: The Socially Destructive Process of Genocidal Rape, Killing, and Displacement in Darfur

LINDERT, Jutta (University of Emden in Germany) - Transgenerational Transmission of Genocide? Evidence from a Systematic Review

ROOM 3 - Genocide Prevention and Responsibility to Prevent
Chair: VERDEJA, Ernesto (University of Notre Dame, USA)

RINN, Michael (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France) - How Can Discourse Analysis Contribute to Genocide Prevention?

GUTIÉRREZ, Ricardo Javier Cárdenas (Museum of Memory and Tolerance in Mexico City, Mexico) - Changes and Continuities in Mexican Multilateralism: From Non-Intervention to Responsibility to Protect

NIEWIŃSKI, Jakub (Academy of Special Education, Poland), ROMANOWSKI, Michal (Middle School in Lisewo Malborskie, Poland) - Active Memory of Tomorrow”: How Nowadays to tell Young Generation About Prevention the Crimes Against the Humanity?

ROOM 4 - New Horizons in Perpetrator Research II: Individual Perpetrators
Chair: ANDERSON, Kjell (Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies)

GRIGORYAN, Hasmik (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Armenia) - The Ordinary Executors of the Armenian Genocide: Functional Peculiarities of Perpetrator Children’s’ Participation

JESSEE, Erin (University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK) - Approaching Perpetrators in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Victimhood and Social Death in the Narratives of Convicted Génocidaires

WILLIAMS, Tim (Marburg University, Germany) - “Make the enemy the number one fertiliser”: Why People Participated in the Khmer Rouge Genocide

GUDEHUS, Christian (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) - Behaviour in the Context of Collective Violence : A Case Study

1:00 – 2:20 pm - Lunch
2:20 – 3:50 pm - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Ideology and Economics of Genocide
Chair: OGATA, Tetsushi (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

MANUKYAN, Suren (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - “They Reap the Fruits of Muslim Labors”: Genocide Victims as “Exploiters” in Génocidaires` Minds

WAINTRATER, Regine (Paris Diderot University, France) - Segregation as a Prelude to Extermination. The Case of the Tutsi in Rwanda

LEACY, Mary (Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, USA) - The Economics of Genocide: Capital Market Segmentation, Occupation Economics and the Financing of Genocide in Turkey and Germany

ROOM 2 - Gender and Sexual Violence during the Genocide
Chair: JINKS, Rebecca (University of East Anglia, UK)

BROWN, Sara (Clark University, USA) - Gender and Genocide: A Comparative Analysis

VON JOEDEN-FORGEY, Elisa (Stockton University, USA) - Gendering Lemkin: Unearthing Sexual Violence (and Other Gendered Atrocities) in Raphael Lemkin’s Writings

O’BRIEN, Mel (University of Queensland, Australia) - Challenges to the Development of the Crimes of Forced Marriage and Sexual Slavery in International Criminal Law

ROOM 3 - Violent Confl icts and State Crimes
Chair: DER GHOUGASSIAN, Khachik (Universidad de San Andrés and Universidad Nacional de Lanus in Argentina)

JONES, Adam (University of British Columbia, Canada) - The Armenian-Azerbaijani Confl ict: A Comparative-Genocide Perspective

MANIVANNAN, Ramu (University of Madras, Chennai, India) - Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka

ROOM 4 - New Horizons in Perpetrator Research III: Macro-level and comparative approaches
Chairs: JESSEE, Erin (University of Strathclyde in Glasgow) and ANDERSON Kjell (Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies (NIOD)

MAYNARD, Jonathan (New College, University of Oxford, UK) - Unlike Minds: Ideological Diversity in the Perpetration of Mass Atrocities and Political Violence

CULPEPPER, Wila Rae (Kingston University, UK) - Hell is Empty and All Your Devils are Here: The Role of Folklore in the Mobilization of Public Support in the Perpetration and Participation of Genocide

WALLER, James (Keene State College, USA) - A Revised Explanatory Model for Perpetrator Behavior

HINTON, Alex (Rutgers University, Newark, USA) - Duch, Eichmann, and a Critical Genocide Studies Perspective on Perpetration

ROOM 5 - Designing Truth: Visual Stories of Genocide and the Museum’s Role WORKSHOP
KAHN, Leora (PROOF: Media for Social Justice, USA)

MUTANGUHA, Freddy (Aegis Trust and Kigali Memorial Center in Kigali, Rwanda)

WAHLIN, Willhemina (Charles Stuart University, Australia)

3:50 – 4:00 pm - Coffee-break
4:00 – 4:10 pm - Presentation of Journal Genocide Studies and Prevention

4:10 – 5:30 pm - Keynote Lecture (Room 1)
Dr.ADALIAN Rouben Paul (Director of the Armenian National Institute in Washington) The Crossing Point: The Armenian Genocide Centenary

6:00-9:00 pm - Visit to Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex dedicated to victims of Armenian Genocide. Tour in Armenian Genocide Museum

Friday July 10, 2015

8:30 am, 8:50 am - Buses depart from the Hotels
9:00 am - Registration opens
9:30 am - 11:00 am - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Media Coverage and Media Narratives of Genocide
Chair: DARBINIYAN, Asya (Clark University)

SHERMAN, Marc (Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, Jerusalem, Israel) - The Armenian Genocide: The Building of a Descriptive Index to Major Newspaper Compilations, 1890-1920

BRAKSTAD, Ingjerd (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology) - Discourse as Denial: Media Narratives and Benevolent Genocide Denial

LEVY, Guillermo (Tres de Febrero Universities, Argentina), WOZNIAK, Jorge (Tres de Febrero Universities, Argentina) - Genocide, Collective Memory, Narrative and Public Commemorations

ROOM 2 - Genocide Denial and Laws
Chair: GZOYAN, Edita (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia)

GARIBIAN, Sévane (University of Geneva, Switzerland) - The Perinçek v. Switzerland Case: Genocide Denial, Consensus, Historical Facts and Law

VRIELINK, Jogchum (University of Leuven, Belgium), LEMMENS, Koen (University of Leuven, Belgium) and PARMENTIER, Stephan (University of Leuven, Belgium) - The Legal Prohibition of Negationism in Belgium: An Impact Analysis

AVAKIAN, Paul N (Journalist, USA) - Genocide Denial in Guatemala

ROOM 3 Victimhood and Survival of Minorities
Chair: HOFMANN, Tessa (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

VARDANYAN, Gevorg (Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute, Armenia) - The Similarities and Structural Peculiarities of the Armenian and Other Ottoman Minorities’ Genocides: Greeks, Assyrians and Yezidis

KHOSROEVA, Anahit (Institute of History, Armenia) - Official Genocidal Policy of the Young Turks’ State: The Assyrian Case STONEHOUSE, Jeff (University of British Columbia, Canada) - At the Mountains of Madness: Survival Strategies on Musa Dagh, Bisesero, and Sinjar

ROOM 4 - Hidden Involvement, Perpetration and Empathy
Chair: ZYLBERMAN, Lior (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina)

VAN BAAR, Annika (Netherlands) - An Integrated Theoretical Framework for Corporate Involvement in International Crimes

WOOLFORD, Andrew (University of Manitoba, Canada) - “This Benevolent Experiment”: Indigenous Boarding Schools and Genocide in Canada and the United States

MANUKYAN, Lilit (Armenia) - Ottoman Turkey’s International Legal Obligations Towards its Armenian Population

JOSEM, Jayne (Jewish Holocaust Centre (JHC) in Melbourne, Australia) - Genocidal Resonance: Could an Australian Aborigine Sense the Oncoming Holocaust in 1938?

11:00 – 11:30 am - Coffee break
12:00 pm – 20:00 pm - Excursions – Musa Dagh memorial or Yerevan City Tour or Garni-Geghard (Optional)

Saturday July 11, 2015

8:30 am, 8:50 am - Buses depart from Hotels
9:00 am - Registration opens
9:30 - 11:00 am - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Post-Conflict and Transitional Justice
Chair: WOOLFORD, Andrew (University of Manitoba, Canada)

RALEIGH, Alexandra (University of California, Irvine, USA) - Collective Catharsis, Transitional Justice, and the Psychopolitics of Post-Conflict Transitions

HEIN, Patrick (Meiji University Japan) - From Conflict to Post-conflict Societies in Cambodia and Sri Lanka: Internal and External Factors that Explain the Onset of Radical State Violence and Prospects towards Reconciliation in Sri Lanka and Cambodia

PARENT, Genevieve (Saint-Paul University in Ottawa, Canada) - Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Between Denial and Acknowledgement

ROOM 2 - Transgenerational Effects of Genocide
Chair: HOVANNISIAN, Richard G., (Shoah Foundation and Professor Emeritus, UCLA)

FROSIG, Karen (The Vienna Project) - Negotiating the Culture of Public Memory in Vienna

BEC-NEUMANN, Janja (Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia) - “Legacy of Silence” (In Memory of Dan Bar-On 1938-2008): Double Wall of Silence. Working through after er Trauma of Genocides. Reconciliation vs. TRT-To Refl ect and Trust Groups after er Holocaust and Genocides. PEROOMIAN, Rubina (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) - From Generation to Generation: The Eff ects of the Traumatic Experience of the Genocide

ROOM 3 - From Memory to Commemoration
Chair: ABRAHAMYAN, Lusine (Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute, Armenia)

BLUSTEIN, Jeff rey (City University of New York, USA) - Conceptions of Genocide and the Ethics of Memorialization

OZBEK, Esen (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada) - The Coming to- Memory of the Armenian Genocide: Public Commemorations in Turkey

NDAYIRAGIJE, Ferdinand, NKURUNZIZA, Emmanuel (York University, Glendon College, Toronto, Canada) - More than Remembrance: A Comparison of Genocide Commemorations by the Armenians and the Burundians

ROOM 4 - Tools of Genocide Denial
Chair: PORTER, Jack (Harvard University, USA)

CHATTERJEE, Kasturi (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) - Tools of Denial: Comparing the Strategies of Denial by Turkey and Pakistan in the Genocide of Armenians (1915- 1923) and Bangladeshis (1971)

TATOYAN, Robert (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute) - The Statistical Information Collected from the Armenian Genocide Survivors and Refugees as a Source for the Armenian Population Number in Western Armenia on the Eve of the World War I

ATTALLAH, Maral (Humboldt State University) - Moving Towards Reconciliation: Addressing Genocide Denial

11:00 – 11:30 am - Coffee break
11:30 am – 1:00 pm - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Genocide Survivors and Identity
Chair: ANDERSON, Kjell (Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies (NIOD)

MANUKYAN, Robert - Running Tears: The Story of One Armenian Family’s Experience of the Armenian Genocide from 1915 to 2014

MILLER, Abigail (Clark University, USA) - Narratives of Loss: The Signifi cance of Genocide Survivor Refugee Testimony

KHANUMYAN, Gohar (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - One Gold Coin for One Orphan: Rescue Operations during Armenian Genocide

SEPPÄLÄ, Serafim (Finland) - Genocide Descending: Existential Crises of the “Half-Jews” in Poland and “Half-Armenians” in Turkey

ROOM 2 - Genocide, Memorial Places, Discourse
Chair: TATOYAN, Robert (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia)

GISPERT, Jurgen (Germany) - The Memorial Places of Buchenwald and Tsitsernakaberd: A Comparison

MARSOOBIAN, Armen (Southern Connecticut State University, USA) - Memory, Memorialization & Bearing Witness: Contested Memories of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey Today

MACIOS, Dominika (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland) - Armenian Genocide and Katyń Crime: Review of Iconography of Denied Genocides

WEISS-WENDT, Anton (Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities in Oslo, Norway) - The Soviet Discourse on Genocide and Socialist Armenia

ROOM 3 - International Crime and International Justice
Chair: MASSIMINO, Irene (National University of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz)

HOLA, Barbora (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands), van WIJK, Joris - “I Would Have Done the Same Again”: Life After er Punishment at International Criminal Tribunals and Rehabilitation of “Enemies of Mankind”

LINGAAS, Carola (University of Oslo) - Imagined Identities: Race as Protected Group of the Crime of Genocide

BOUWKNEGT, Thijs (Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD) - Through the Prism of International Justice: Mass atrocity in Rwanda, DR Congo and Sierra Leone

ROOM 4 - Cultural Genocide
Chair: MULLER, Adam (University of Manitoba, Canada)

BACA, Maya (London School of Economics and Political Science) - Cultural Genocide

PINON, Erin (Southern Methodist University) - Quarried, Carved and Commemorated: The Armenian Khatchk’ar as a Deposit of Genocidal Trauma

PARSAMYAN, Seda (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute) - The Cultural Aspect of Genocide: The Armenian Case

1:00 – 2:20 pm - Lunch and IAGS Business Meeting
2:20 – 2:25 pm - Presentation of International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies

2:25 - 2:40 pm - Presentation: “Armenian genocide and Holocaust combined: “Auction of Souls” and unknown WWII footage tracked in the National Archives of Armenia”

2:40 - 4:00 pm - Keynote speaker
HIRSCH Marianne (Columbia University and Director of the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality) Forty Days and Move: Collective Histories

4:00 – 5:30 pm - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Genocide Denial Strategies
Chair: GARIBIAN, Sévane (University of Geneva)

HOVHANNISYAN, Anush (Institute of Oriental Studies, Armenia) - The Peculiarities of the Armenian Genocide Denial in Modern Turkey

HOVHANNISYAN, Mari (Armenia) - Methods and Mechanisms of Centennial Denial of the Armenian Genocide 1915 – 2015

BASSO, Andrew (University of Calgary, Canada) - Denying Crimes: Canada’s Settler Colonial Genocide and the Ottoman Genocide of Christian Minorities

MEYER, Kristina (University of Michigan, USA) - Courts and Armenian Genocide Denial: Denial’s Implications for the Availability of Legal Remedies

ROOM 2 - Justice and Memory
Chair: THERIAULT, Henry (Worcester State University, USA)

MASSIMINO, Irene (National University of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz) - A Comparative Study and Overview of the Trials in Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, and Colombia

BAUL, Tapas (Bangladesh) - Memory, Justice and Media: Experiences from the International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh

AMIR, Ruth (Yezreel Valley College, Israel) - Article II (e) of the UNGC: Whether a Dormant Clause, Legal Anachronism, or Potent Provision?

ROOM 3 - Armenian Genocide Survivors and Diaspora
Chair: LOUREIRO, Heitor (São Paulo State University, Brazil (UNESP)

PAVERCHI, Silvia (Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil)- Who are Armenians in South America?

KECHICHIAN, Hagop (University of São Paulo, Brazil) - The Armenian Genocide Survivors in Brazil

DER GHOUGASSIAN, Khachik (Universidad de San Andrés and Universidad Nacional de Lanus in Argentina) - The Southern Input: Genocide Knowledge-Building in South America and the Armenian Case

ROOM 4 - Arts, Imagination and Narration of Genocide
Chair: BALAKIAN, Peter (Colgate University, USA)

ARZOUMANIAN, Ana (FLACSO University Buenos Aires, Argentina) - “Law’s aesthetic dimension, the theatrical language as a cultural device in the conception of bodies video-art”

AHMED, Osman (Kurdology Centre for Kurdish Studies, University of Sulaimani Kurdistan Regional Government), Documenting the Anfal: The Kurdish Genocide (1988) Through Drawing

ZYLBERMAN, Lior (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina) - Cultural Memory of the Rwandan genocide. An approach from the cinema

Sunday July 12, 2015

8:30 am, 8:50 am - Buses departs from the Hotels
9:00 am - Registration opens
9:30 - 11:00 am - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Outside Powers – Humanitarism and Responce
Chair: GUDEHUS, Christian (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)

MELKONIAN, Arda (UCLA, USA) - Types of Intervention during the Armenian Genocide

LOUREIRO, Heitor (São Paulo State University, Brazil (UNESP) - Humanitarianism and Emerging Powers: The Brazilian and Canadian Responses to the Armenian Genocide

DARBINIYAN, Asya (Clark University, USA) - The Armenian Genocide and Russian Response

VARNAVA, Andrekos (Flinders University, Belgium) - Betrayed Promises: Entente Imperialism and Humanitarianism and the Legion d’Orient

ROOM 2 - Museums and Memorial places of Genocide
Chair: DEMOYAN, Hayk (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia)

MULLER, Adam (University of Manitoba, Canada), SINCLAIR, Struan (University of Manitoba, Canada) - “‘Virtually’ Representing a Group’s Destruction: Refl ections on Technology and Method”

SAMPLE, Emily (Holocaust Museum Houston, USA) - Teaching the Armenian Genocide in Holocaust Museums: Education as Genocide Prevention

ROOM 3 - Post-Genocide. Rescue and Reintegration
Chair: GA’FAR, Khadeega M (American University in Cairo, Egypt)

ABRAHAMYAN, Lousine (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - Treating Post-Genocide Trauma, Strategy for Social Integration: Near East Relief and the Armenian Orphans

JINKS, Rebecca (University of East Anglia, UK) - “Marks Hard to Erase”: The Rescue and Repatriation of “Absorbed” Armenian Women Survivors, 1919-1927

MELKONIAN, Doris (UCLA, USA) - Tattooed: Boundaries of Inclusion and Exclusion

ROOM 4 - Survivors and Memory Narratives
Chair: PEROOMIAN, Rubina (UCLA, USA)

OHANJANYAN, Anna (Yerevan State University, Armenia) - “Yergir” as the Paradigm of Lost Paradise: the Concept of “Heaven” among Armenian Genocide Survivors

SARIKAYA, Cafer (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey) - Food Narratives in Fethiye Çetin’s My Grandmother

JARVIS, Helen (Cambodia) - Beyond Bones: The Continuing Presence of Victims of the Khmer Rouge Regime in Today’s Cambodia

11:30 – 12:00 am - Coffee break
12:00 – 1:30 pm - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Post-Genocide Trauma Experiences
Chair: VON JOEDEN-FORGEY, Elisa (Stockton University, USA)

FEIERSTEIN, Daniel (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina) - Why is Genocide so Eff ective? Some Refl ections on the Role of Terror in Constructing Memory Processes and Identity

ALSOP, Christiane (Lesley University, USA), COWAN, Sylvia (Lesley University, USA) - Children of Victims and Perpetrators: Comparing Experiences of Trauma after er the Nazi Regime in Germany and the Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia

TEVOSYAN WILLOUGHBY, Hasmik, WILLOUGHBY, Roger (Newman University, Birmingham, UK) - Contemporary Identity, Culture and Trauma in the Wake of the Armenian Genocide

ROOM 2 - Memory and After ermath of Genocide
Chair: SHERMAN, Marc (Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, Jerusalem, Israel)

MARUTYAN, Harutyun (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Armenia) - The Memory of Armenian Genocide as a Factor in Armenian Revolution/Karabagh Movement (1988-1990)

DREYFUS, Jean-Marc (University of Manchester, UK) - Saintly Remains? The Transfer of Ashes after er the Holocaust

GAYDOSH, Brenda (West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA) - Forgiveness or Forbearance: Rwanda 20 Years Later

ROOM 3 - Arts and Genocide
Chair: HINTON, Alex (Rutgers University, Newark, USA)

HOFMANN, Tessa (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) - “Only Those Who Look Back, Move Forward”: Four Literary Responses to Genocidal Trauma in Greek and Transnational Prose

BALAKIAN, Peter (Colgate University, USA) - Elia Kazan’s America, America and the Armenian Massacres of the 1890s

CASTRO, Azucena (Stockholm University, Sweden) - A literary analysis on the Representations of Perpetrators: Perpetrators’ Role in Mass Violence in the XX Century context

POMERANZ, Laura (UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico) - Split Between Truth and Depiction: Contemporary Art and Cambodian Genocide

ROOM 4 - Armenian Genocide Reparation Issue
Chair: GZOYAN, Edita (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) - Claiming Reparations for the Armenian Genocide: the European Court of Human Rights

THERIAULT, Henry (Worcester State University, USA) - The Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group Final Report

ANKESHIAN, Tamar (Australia) - Punishing Genocidal Crimes: The issue of reparations and the limited capacity of international justice Limitations of International Justice – The Armenian Genocide

1:30 and 2:00 pm - Lunch 2:00 – 3:10 pm - Concurrent sessions

ROOM 1 - Genocide Education
Chair: WILLIAMS, Tim (Marburg University, Germany)

BENTROVATRO, Denise (Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig, Germany) - Teaching about Confl ict and Genocide in Central Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Experiences and Lessons from Rwanda and Burundi

MAITLES, Henry (University of the West of Scotland, UK) - “That Given the Tiniest Reason People will Turn Against Each Other”: The Impact of an Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning About Genocide in a Secondary (High) School in the West of Scotland.

ROOM 2 - Genocide Denial
Chair: MARSOOBIAN, Armen (Southern Connecticut State University)

KABATSI, Freda (Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya) - Drawing Parallels and Divergences: A Comparison between Laws against Genocide Denial Regarding the Armenian and Rwandan Genocides

WAINTRATER, Meir (France) - Genocide Denial as a Symbolic Reenactement of Genocide Itself

MERENICS, Éva (Hungary) - Inner Logical Incoherence of Armenian Genocide Denial

ROOM 3 - Understanding and Engagement through Art: Images and the Teaching of Genocide

MULLER, Adam (University of Manitoba, Canada) and JONES, Adam (University of British Columbia, Canada)

3:10 and 4:00 pm - Closing Ceremony

Cancellation of Stamp dedicated to Twelfth h Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars

Director of the Conference - Suren Manukyan
Coordinator of the Conference - Dianna Alexanyan
Media Coordinator of the Conference - Arevik Avetisyan

Members of the Secretariat

Kristine Najaryan, Susanna Movsisyan, Robert Tatoyan, Gevorg Vardanyan

Designers - Lousine Matevosyan, Arusyak Ohanyan

Organising Committee

Donna - Lee Frieze (Chair), Peter Balakyan, Hayk Demoyan, Daniel Feierstain, Suren Manukyan, Andrew Woolford

Այստեղ կարող եք ծանոթանալ գիտաժողովի ամբողջական ծրագրին:




Հայոց ցեղասպանության թանգարան-ինստիտուտ հիմնադրամի կողմից իրականացվող հատուկ նախագծեր





Հայոց ցեղասպանության թանգարան-ինստիտուտի «գրքերի աշխարհը»


Temporary exhibition
Ինքնապաշտպանական մարտերը Կիլիկիայում Հայոց ցեղասպանության տարիներին

Նվիրվում Է Մարաշի, Հաճընի, Այնթապի ինքնապաշտպանությունների 100-ամյա տարելիցին




«Հայոց ցեղասպանության թեմայի ուսուցում»
կրթական ծրագիր դպրոցականների համար




Կիսվի՛ր ընտանիքիդ պատմությամբ, փոխանցի՛ր հիշողությունդ սերունդներին:
Հայոց ցեղասպանության թանգարան-ինստիտուտն ապրիլի 24-ին ընդառաջ հանդես է գալիս «Փոխանցի՛ր հիշողությունդ» նախաձեռնությամբ:



«ՀՑԹԻ» հիմնադրամ
ՀՀ, Երևան 0028
Ծիծեռնակաբերդի խճուղի, 8/8
Հեռ.: +374 10 390981
    2007-2021 © Հայոց ցեղասպանության թանգարան-ինստիտուտ     Էլ.հասցե: [email protected]